Sanjoni Sethi
The category of personality disorders is diagnosed with greater emphasis on cluster B disorders. When we talk about personality disorders, the first name that pops in our mind is Borderline Personality Disorder. This has become prominent across countries and cultures without noticing the stigma becoming attached to this category amongst psychiatrists and psychologists. The aim of this talk is to explore the myths and unconscious nuances of stigmatizing patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. Additionally, the remission and recovery that isn’t reported in books at university and professional training levels is a must to bring in a balanced perspective to clinicians interested in working with patients. The speaker proposes questions for us to explore – does a label of BPD help the patient or the clinician? Can a BPD label change the psychotherapeutic interventions to reach recovery? Is BPD real or is it CPTSD? The speaker brings lived experiences of patients and psychotherapists to peel the layers of patients with BPD for a better understanding for their inner world.