• ISBN Print:
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  • Conference Type:
  • Conference Dates:
    April 22 - 23 , 2024
  • Venue:
    Leonardo Royal Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 90, 10249, Berlin, Germany
  • Publisher:
    Eurasia Conferences

Lean Green Sustainability: A Framework for Efficiency, Waste Reduction, and Environmental Impact

Proceedings: Abstracts of the 4th World Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences & 3rd World Conference on Recycling and Waste Management

Dr. Elizabeth A. Cudney


Organizations aspire to enhance their environmental impact, yet face a challenge in integrating sustainability seamlessly into continuous improvement initiatives. Lean principles offer a systematic approach to continuous improvement, eradicating waste across the organization from production to the supply chain. This not only enhances quality, reduces costs, but also adds value for customers. Emphasizing optimized resource usage and increased process efficiency, Lean aligns with Sustainable Green strategies that target environmental waste in water, energy, air, and solid/ hazardous waste. Both Lean and Green share common ground in waste reduction, continuous improvement, and cleaner production. This presentation unveils an integrated Lean Green Sustainability Framework, merging principles, tools, and methodologies. Grounded in the Plan-Do-Check-Act phases and circular economy's 5 Rs (refuse, reflect, reduce, reuse, recycle), this framework provides a straightforward yet potent path for navigating Lean improvements that bolster sustainability.