• ISBN Print:
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  • Conference Type:
  • Conference Dates:
    May 23 - 24 , 2024
  • Venue:
    , Rome, Italy
  • Publisher:
    Eurasia Conferences

Microscopic Reversibility Opens Way to Obtain Pure Electronic Transition from Molecular Diffuse Electronic Absorption or Emission Spectrum

Proceedings: Abstracts of the 1st Edition Physics 2024: Innovations and Discoveries

V.S. Kalinov, V.A. Tolkachev


In quantum mechanics transition between elementary quantum states under external perturbation are reversible. For molecular systems such reversibility is probable for electron ensemble. It is shown in the report that relations which are found on the base of microreversibility of vibronic transitions and applied to determine pure electronic transition from diffuse vibronic spectra coincide with the relations given by quantum fluctuation theorem of statistical physics Microreversibility of optical transitions and thermalized started state of transition brings the above named relationships for intensities of vibronic transitions with obvious approximations. Because of approximation the method of pure electron transition (PET) determination was tested on different molecular and condensed state structures, including quantum dots. Homogeneous ensembles of chromophore always provide single clear PET. The considered model gives PET for conditions of spectra registration. Non optically excited luminescence has the same behaviour. The proposed model is applicable for detection of non homogeneity in the case of absence of PET indication.