Past Event: The conference has been concluded successfully.
Former Country Leader of PWCC and IBM/GBS Italy, author of n...
Reset and Restart in the New Business Scenario (Post Covid,...
Professor for Human Resource Management and Disability Manag...
Employability revisited: Ability Oriented Use of Human Resou...
Professor of Business Administration at Polk State College i...
Dynamic Capabilities for the VUCA 21st century: People-centr...
Associate Professor at the Department of Economics of the Vr...
Labor market transitions of members of opposite-sex couples:...
Former Senior Advisor to the US Dept. of Defense, USA
Keynes' Clearing Union, Then and Now
Visiting Professor of Marketing at Suffolk Business School,...
Head of Master School, EIT-Digital, Brussels, Belgium
EIT-Digital, The Place Where Tech Meets Business
Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon/ Lisbon Higher Institute of...
Energy mix and dispatch in the environmental goals and the R...